Thursday, February 18, 2010


Lyme Disease in Dogs

Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted by the deer tick (often referred to as the black-legged tick). Signs of Lyme disease in dogs are difficult to detect, and warning signs may not appear until several months after infection. Signs may come and go and can mimic other conditions. Cases vary from mild to severe. In severe cases of Lyme disease, kidney failure can occur.
Most common signs of Lyme disease:
Recurrent arthritis/lameness that lasts 3–4 days, sometimes accompanied by loss of appetite and depression
Reluctance to move or a stiff, painful gait
Swollen joints that are warm to the touch
Pain in the legs or throughout the body
Fever, fatigue and swollen lymph nodes

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day Doggy Wedding

What better way to celebrate the day of love and happiness? Two of our regulars got "married" in a little ceremony here last Friday. It was a fun party for all the Doggy Day Camp attendees, although, truth be told, most of the guests showed up for the refreshments and reception.

click here for more  info:

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Watch the Flowers!

Valentines Day is right around the corner, watch your pets around these flowers.....they can be harmful:

Different flowers in the lily family are extremeley poisonous to pets. Cats are more common lily poisoning victims than dogs, but they are toxic to both species. They are also very popular bouquet items. Lilies, Tiger Lilies, Easter Lilies, Tulips, and Calla Lilies are just some of the toxic plants found in the lily plant family.

Some other bouquet favorites that are likely to make your pet sick include:
-Baby's Breath
-Bird of Paradise


Make sure to keep your flowers away from your pets and have a Yappy Valentines!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Texas 4-H

Did you know that 4-H does not focus on just the husbandry of Livestock?  In addition to all the livestock projects, it focuses on all facets of every day life.  Here is a list of just a few of the projects Texas Youths may participate in while being a member of any local chapter of 4H:  Homemaking, gardening, public speaking, tech team, dog project, art, photography, plus the kids learn leadership skills and participate in community service projects throughout the year.  To learn more about 4H and projects, click here and see how much fun Texas Youths are having in 4H.  Best Friends Pet Care and Best Friends Veterinary Hosptial is a proud sponsor and mentor for the Montgomery County Dog Club. 

Montgomery County Dog Show Feb 6, 2010